Friday, February 11, 2011

Faces to Names

This is my host mom, Kak Su, holding our neighbor's little girl.
Here Makcik Su [pronounced Mah-chee, meaning "Aunt," but used for any older lady], the grandma, is splitting palm leaves to make cigarette wrappers with Mimi, another neighbor girl.

This is Makcik Lina, the local coordinator for turtles during the nesting season, helping me implant a microchip in this large female painted terrapin.

And here's the terrapin herself--what a champ!

I LOVE this picture of Atikah, my host sister, playing a game like jacks, while neighbor Leisa looks on.

Here Makcik and Pakcik ("uncle" a.k.a. the grandpa) are wholly unmoved by Atizah's extreme displeasure (she does this pretty often).

Unfortunately my camera batteries died right after I took this ONE picture of the wedding reception I attended in the village last week, but this is the throne on the porch where the couple sat to receive gifts and cut the cake (I'm noticing that it is almost impossible to take a picture without getting some random kids in it).

Finally, I saw this GIANT hymenopteran on the nesting beach where the turtles emerge to lay their eggs. Anyone know what it is?

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